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Year 8 - Autumn Term

Curriculum Information for Year 8

Teachers: Steinbacher - Mr Sullivan, Wiltshire - Mr Battersby, Applegate - Miss McGhee

This term we will begin by introducing the students to the Gothic genre of literature. We will read extracts from a variety of famous texts such as Frankenstein, Jane Eyre and The Woman in Black, with a focus on comprehension techniques, and identifying literary devices used throughout the genre.  After this, learners will develop their writing skills by focusing on their own hobbies and interests. During this unit we will focus on punctuation and grammar, as well as writing for a specific audience and purpose. 

This half term, learners will start by reinforcing their skills in working with fractions, decimals, and percentages, applying these to more complex problems. Algebraic fluency is developed further through manipulating expressions, solving linear equations, and beginning to explore sequences. The curriculum also introduces ratio and proportion, helping learners make connections between numbers in real-world contexts. Additionally, learners enhance their geometric knowledge by studying properties of 2D shapes, including the application of angle facts and symmetry. The term ends with an introduction to statistics, focusing on collecting, interpreting, and representing data.

In science this term we will investigate topics in biology, chemistry and physics. Within biology, we will learn about food and nutrition as well as plants and how they reproduce. The very exciting topic of combustion is covered for chemistry involving some noisy experimentation! Fluids and how they flow and behave is our physics topic for this term.

In History this term, we will start by finding out about the key events during the reigns of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I and how these Tudor kings and queens were involved in the Reformation and the religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants. After half term, we will investigate the life of Elizabeth I and her attempts to solve the religious conflict in England and find out how James I became king and the events surrounding the Gunpowder Plot.


In Geography this term, we will start by looking at an example of fieldwork and why it is important in Geography and how the use of Geographical Information Systems can help in the analysis and gathering of data. We will also look at the world’s and the UK’s changing population and how it is affecting planet Earth. After half term, we will be finding out about urbanisation around the world and in the UK, migration to cities from the countryside and life in the slums of Lagos. 

In RE this term, we will be exploring many aspects about the Hindu faith. We will examine Hindu beliefs about God, karma and rebirth and also look at the different types of Hindu scripture and how Hindus worship in temples or at home. After half term, we will be looking at how Hindus live their lives, about Hindu celebrations and finding out about different types of Hindus.


In PSHE, Year 8 shall first be looking at how they can build themselves and their personal skills. They shall cover subjects such as emotional literacy, behavioural management and what skills would be sought after by employers. Other lessons shall look at health awareness such as smoking and vaping.

ICT - CDM (Creative Digital Media):

In Creative Digital Media, learners will start the year making labels for their digital devices (name labels for their mobile phones, Chromebooks etc) and start a website that they will be using to present some of the digital work that they will do during the year. They will use digital SLR cameras to take photographs around the school and learn how more of the functions of the camera can be used. The images taken will be adjusted in Photoshop to experiment with different editing techniques,developing their skills from year 7. Some of these images will be used in their website to show a theme of their choice and showcase some of the skills they have developed. Some learners will develop their audio recording and editing skills to assist with creating sounds that will be used in the Christmas production of Alice in Wonderland.

This half term in music, learners will be recapping some basic skills we learnt in year 7. We will revisit our note values and note names and then extend this learning by understanding triplet notes and how they can add colour and character to our composition and performing work. After half term, we will be looking at structure in musical composition. We will consider how classical structures and more popular structures such as verse and chorus can be enhanced with instrumental sections and middle 8s. We will be exploring this through listening, performing and composition tasks. 


This term, we will recap on the genre of Panto and know the stock characters and features of the genre. Some learners may take on a significant role in the production or performance process and understand their role and importance within the context of a whole school performance.


This term in art learners will be examining the geometric, tessellating patterns found in Islamic art and then looking at the cross curricular link with maths. Learners will create their own Islamic patterns incorporating their own arabesque leaf designs too. 

Once that mini project is complete, learners will be examining buildings from around the world and from different periods in history. There will be a brief Geography cross curricular link where we examine how climate influences the style of architecture such as sloped roofs in snowy countries and small windows with shutters in very hot climates. There will be a brief cross curricular link with history where they examine typical Uk houses built in the Tudor times, Victorian, Edwardian and 1930’s.  Learners will then design their own building taking influences from images provided. They will paint these and build up their designs in low relief layers using card. 

Design Technology - Textiles:

We begin with basic sewing skills, including pattern making that then follows through to exploring the design process by planning and making an iPad stand individualised with Hapa-Zome patterns. Learners will learn about Hapa-zome, a Japanese technique of transferring natural ink from leaves and flowers onto fabric. They will learn and put into practice hand stitching, pattern making and how to use the sewing machine. Learners will also learn about textile fibres, how yarn is made, experiencing the process first hand.


Food Technology:
This half term we will concentrate on making basic dishes including; jam tarts,sausage rolls, meatballs and spaghetti, pizza and muffins.  The learners will make these dishes from scratch. Next half term, we will be looking at basic cooking skills with an emphasis on washing up, clearing their work area and drying up once they have finished. 


This term, learners will build their knowledge around invasion sports. They will be taking part in basketball, football, netball, bench ball and handball. Within these sessions learners will develop their fundamental skills such as passing, moving, tactical awareness, shooting and throwing. These skills will be shown through tailored drills and match play with the aim of learners using these different skills and tactics to outwit their opponents. 

This term, learners will be learning sentence patterns that involve time and/or place. They will be introduced to common expressions about places and learn preposition phrases. Then they will learn some expressions about time telling and daily routines so that learners can talk about their schedules and compare the linguistic differences between Chinese and English. 

Forest School: 
This half term, we will be making the most of the changing seasons and using the natural resources available to have a go at sensory art activities, such as making paint from blackberries and bunting from Autumnal leaves. We’ll also be honing our fire lighting skills ready to begin campfire cooking later in the year and some of our learners will be using knives for whittling.


Gretton School is part of Newcome Education.

Gretton School (Cavendish Learning Ltd) is registered in England & Wales. No: 06444280. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

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