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SMSC at Gretton

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of everything we do here at Gretton and is woven throughout our whole curriculum. The overarching term personal development includes Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) including Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), SMSC (including British Values), Preparation for Adulthood and Careers development.

Within these two webpages (SMSC & PSHE) we have tried to capture all the wonderful things that we do at Gretton to support the personal development of our learners. As a school, academic studies are incredibly important to us, but the bit we get really excited about is when we see a learner achieving their academic potential because of all their ongoing personal development: their emotional regulation, their reflective practice, their understanding of the wider world and their own aspirations for the future.

We see Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development as important for individual students and for society as a whole. We believe it is at the heart of what education is all about - helping students to grow and develop.








We strive to create a learning environment which promotes respect, diversity and self-awareness and equips all of our students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they will need to succeed in their future lives.

Woven throughout our curriculum and extracurricular activities, we ensure that we promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and tolerance and respect. 

Click the buttons below to see what SMSC stands for and see how we implement SMSC in our curriculum:


Spiritual examples at Gretton:

  • Tutorials

  • Assemblies/Collective worship timetable which recognises key festivals and special days 

  • Assembly/Collective worship led by local Reverend 

  • Reflect - restorative approach at Gretton  

  • Time to reflect on learning throughout lessons

  • Creativity within gymnastics and dance (PE)

  • Visits to local church for key festivals

  • Use of texts from different cultures and backgrounds

  • Forest School/Music - use of imagination and creativity 

  • RE curriculum 

  • Regular charity and fundraising events

Moral examples at Gretton: 

  • PSHE planning (see PSHE curriculum overview)

  • School Council  

  • Promoting a healthy and active lifestyle

  • Debates on a variety of topics during lessons 

  • Assemblies/Collective worship 

  • Links with local Police Community Support Officer

  • Independent travel opportunities for our older students 

  • Points system used across the school and individual student incentives 

  • Positive Relationships policy and our restorative approach 

  • Anti-bullying week 

  • Half termly celebration assemblies 

  • Headteacher awards 

Social examples at Gretton: 

  • Forest School

  • Duke of Edinburgh

  • Students having the opportunity to take on roles such as leaders, coaches, or umpires to support the development of their communication and leadership skills

  • Sports fixtures including sport in local community 

  • Sports day and Race for Life event 

  • Lunchtime clubs 

  • Arts organisations and artist visits 

  • School productions 

  • Work experience

  • Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) 

  • Assemblies/Collective worship

  • Positive Relationships policy 

  • Breakfast each morning 

  • Special Interest sessions 

  • Residential trips both in the UK and abroad (Europe)

  • Involvement in senior leadership position interviews 

  • Trips to local museums, country parks

Cultural examples at Gretton: 

  • Use of different texts in English lessons

  • Art and DT lessons and projects - customs and beliefs of different cultures through Art and DT

  • Remembrance day 

  • Music lessons - world music 

  • Range of books from different cultures in our two libraries 

  • Visits to and from people/places of different faiths

  • Art visits - Gallery visits and involvement in Arts projects 

  • Visits to local museums 

  • Assemblies/Collective worship  

  • Special interest sessions

  • School productions 

  • Black History month - cross curricular links 

  • During RE lessons and assemblies/collective worship, students will learn about key events within different religions

  • Music, drama and photography lessons

"He has been so happy and back to the lovely cheeky child we love – thanks to the great support in place, he is doing great."

- Parent


Here at Gretton we continue to develop our SMSC provision and will be working towards an accreditation for a SMSC Quality Mark to achieve recognition in excellence for SMSC.



Gretton School is part of Newcome Education.

Gretton School (Cavendish Learning Ltd) is registered in England & Wales. No: 06444280. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2024 Newcome Education

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