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Primary School - Autumn Term
Curriculum Information
Shetland class:
This half term, Shetland will focus on non-chronological reports. We will link this to our topic which is Ancient Egypt to create some non-chronological reports. Our class novel is The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl. In the second half of the autumn term, Shetland will study play scripts. Our topic, linked with a writing opportunity, will be to plan a banquet. Learners will also continue working on their spelling and phonics.
This term our focus will be on place value. After building learners' fluency in this area, we will move onto studying multiplication and division.
This term we will be learning about properties of materials, followed by separation of mixtures. These topics will give the learners the opportunity to complete lots of investigations.
This term, Shetland will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians. During the second half of the autumn term, we will begin to study leisure and entertainment. These will give opportunities to link this to our English curriculum.
Our RE focus this term is Islam. In the second half of the autumn term, learners will develop their understanding of Christmas around the world.
We start our year studying emotions and developing our emotional literacy. During the second half of the autumn term we will continue our learning on online safety.
During ICT, we will also continue to develop our knowledge of online safety. During the second half of the autumn term, learners will work on coding.
Thunberg class:
Our focus in English will be non-chronological reports. We will learn how to take notes in different formats, research our topic and then plan and write a report about Ancient Egyptian life. Our SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) focus will be adjectives, nouns and verbs and Mr Battersby will be leading on some of these lessons.
In maths we will be exploring numbers to 1,000,000 by learning to read, write, order and calculate with numbers of this size. We will also be converting numbers into Roman Numerals to help visualise the place value of numbers. Then we will work with multiples, prime numbers, cube and square numbers to strengthen our understanding of multiplication and division.
In science, our overarching focus will be mixtures and separation. This will build on our knowledge of states of matter and elements. We will investigate the processes of sieving, filtering and evaporation through experiments and testing our hypothesis. Other scientific skills focused on this half term include drawing scientific diagrams, planning fair tests and recording observations accurately.
Topic: Ancient Egypt. We are exploring Ancient Egyptian life such as hieroglyphics, mummification, daily life, the River Nile and gods. We will explore this with a range of sources and artefacts.
RE: This half term we will explore key concepts of Christianity. This includes the Ten Commandments, the Holy Trinity, the Bible as a sacred text as well as Christian worship practices and core festivals.
PSHE: This half term, we will delve deeper into emotions as well as how to express ourselves and find words that suit how we feel. We will continue to use the Zones of Regulation to pinpoint our feelings as well as developing strategies for what we might do in certain situations. We will also recognise what other people might be feeling based on their facial expressions, body language and their words.
Computing: We will be investigating how to be safe online. We will look at how to have secure passwords, what to do with spam emails as well as not clicking on links we are unsure of. We will also explore what to do when we want to report these things or discuss them with a trusted adult.
Pilgrim class:
We are starting this half term by reading ‘The Accidental President’ and will be using this as an idea to then write our own short story. We will look at the elements of a story and we will break it down to create storyboards and character profiles. Next half term, we will start to write instructions and look at different types of poetry.
A big focus this term will be on place value and our number skills. We will move on to looking at all 4 operations and then a focus on fractions.
Our topics in science will be covering living things and energy. For living things we are looking into classifying living things and will be looking at light and reflection during our energy topic
We will start this half term with the topic, ‘Amazing America.’ In this topic we will compare different countries, including our own. Next half term we will be focusing on ‘Leisure and Entertainment.’ During this topic we will be looking at how entertainment might have looked in the 20th century.
We are starting off the year by looking at the five pillars of Islam and the key beliefs within the religion. We will then be moving on to look at christmas from around the world to make comparisons to how different cultures celebrate the christmas period.
We are starting the year looking at healthy living and how we generally keep our bodies healthy. Later in the term we will start to look at positive relationships as well as ways to keep ourselves safe when online.
We are having an online safety focus for the first half term to recap the importance of keeping ourselves safe online as well as how we can report if we feel there is something wrong. Next half term, we are moving onto coding.
Upland class:
We are starting off with reading ‘The Boy who Biked the World- Riding the Americas’ by A Humphreys and discussing the story line, using ‘When, What, Who, Why’ questions and developing our prediction and inference skills. We will be working towards writing our own short story and will begin by identifying the narrative with a clear beginning, middle and end, using time prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions to order the events. We will also develop character profiles for the main character and describe settings using powerful and interesting adjectives. Finally, we will create our own story using the main character, Tom, within his own world adventure on his bike, or another mode of transport. Next half term, we will start to write instructions and look at different poetry. In our Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation lessons, we’ll cover pronouns, words ending in 'ly', consonants and vowels, past tense, and subordinate clauses. We’ll also do a daily phonics activity and a weekly spelling lesson, focusing on understanding their meaning using a dictionary and spelling the words independently, using the Look Cover Write Check process.
This half term, we'll focus on place value by reading, writing and comparing numbers up to one million. We'll also learn to order numbers and understand the value of each digit, which will help us multiply by ten and one hundred. We will be using our understanding of numbers to solve practical problems too. Additionally, we will work on finding numbers on a number line and using negative numbers in calculations. Following this, we will add and subtract numbers using the column method, with no exchange and we will identify multiples of numbers, using the multiplications we know to find the numbers that can be divided by them. We will also begin to identify prime numbers and common factors. Next, we’ll learn about the four operations and fractions. We'll also use BKSB Maths to practise functional skills at our level alongside our maths lessons.
We will be covering ‘Living Things’ this half term. We will be looking into classifying cold and warm blooded vertebrate groups using their common characteristics, as well and describing the work of Carl Linnaeus and his contribution to how we classify living things. We will explain how animals can be grouped using observable characteristics and describe how plants are organised, based on shared characteristics. After that, we will look at ‘Light and Reflection’ during our focus on energy.
This half term, we are focusing on our Geography skills through ‘The Americas’. We will identify the countries of North and South America and describe using geographical terminology, such as continent, country, city. We will use a map to identify the countries and use geographical terms such as latitude, longitude, Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle and time zone. We will also describe climates using climate zones, polar, temperate, tropical, subtropical. Next half term, we will be focusing on ‘Leisure and Entertainment’, where we will be looking at how entertainment looked in the 20th century through the cinema, football, food, music, holidays and television.
We will explore how nature is important in different religions and help learners make connections between them. We will learn about the Christian Creation story and the significance of harvest for some Christians and Jews by looking at harvest festivals and Sukkot. Then, we will listen to stories from Buddhism and Islam that teach the importance of caring for nature, and we'll think about how these messages can guide people in their daily lives. Afterwards, we will explore how Christmas is celebrated in different cultures around the world and compare the various traditions.
We will be exploring ‘Diversity’ in the British Isles. We will talk about what democracy is and understand why it is important, reflecting on what rules and laws are and identify how they help us. We will also talk about what liberty means and identify the rights of British people. Later in the term, we will look at healthy living, how to encourage positive relationships and also keep safe online when gaming.
We will be looking at ‘Cyberbullying’. We will be comparing it to bullying and identifying effective strategies to help us, as well as understanding the benefits and pitfalls of online relationships as well as the importance of not sharing information online. Later in the term, we will be exploring coding.
Messi class:
In English, Messi class will focus on fact files. Our topic, linked with a writing opportunity, will be to write a fact file about travel and transport. Learners will also continue working on their spelling and phonics.
We will learn that the position of the digit in a number tells us the value of the digit, up to numbers with four-digits. Learners will be expected to know how many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones there are in any four-digit number.
This half term, we are looking at animals: digestion and food. Using models, learners will describe the function of key organs in the digestive system. We will identify the types of human teeth and investigate factors that impact our dental health. We will then compare human teeth to other animals.
This half term, our topic will be ‘Travel and Transport’ which focuses on the development of travel and transport throughout history. As well as consolidating learners' understanding of chronology through using timelines and making comparisons between old and new forms of transport, the unit focuses on early travel methods of the Vikings, through to the invention of cars, trains and aeroplanes. It also looks at the significant individuals George Stephenson and the Wright brothers.
Our focus this term is on Christianity with a focus on who Jesus is. Learners will understand the origins of Christianity and the significance of Jesus to Christians.
In this unit, we will learn about preventing and dealing with cyberbullying; how to use search engines efficiently; how to avoid plagiarism online; and how to be a good digital citizen. The unit ends with learners applying their new knowledge to design a character to be displayed around school to promote online safety.
This term, we will focus on understanding games, spatial awareness, and tactics in games. Learning will be broken down into key learning phases, ensuring progression as children develop their skills, understanding, and abilities. Learners will take part in tailored games and activities to support their learning.
This term, primary classes will be introduced to the basic elements of learning Mandarin, i.e., pinyin(initials, finals, tones) and characters, along with everyday topics like 'greetings,' 'nationalities', and 'numbers''. The introduction to pictographic writing is a good start to engage learners in writing Chinese characters.
This year, primary classes have two half terms of music lessons on a rotation. The first half term will be introducing some basic skills such as notation and note names. We will explore these through listening, composition and performance tasks and learners will understand how the musical elements work together to create their music.
In art, learners will be developing their fine motor control by scrunching and moulding newspaper to create a 3D bear. They will then cover the bear in a layer of tissue paper and finally add features, furry tummies, ears and paws.
Forest School:
This half term, we will be making the most of the changing seasons and using the natural resources available to have a go at sensory art activities, such as making paint from blackberries and bunting from Autumnal leaves. We’ll also be honing our fire lighting skills ready to begin campfire cooking later in the year and some of our learners will be using knives for whittling.