On Wednesday 2nd Feburary we had a visitor called Harry Bloomfield - an ex drug user who has been clean for 3 years now, but is still part of the Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups as a mentor for other users.
The organisation he works for is Drug & Alcohol Education Service (http://www.drugandalcoholeducationservices.co.uk/).
The interactive talks were for Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students. He spoke about his own experiences and how he sought help. His messages were aimed around the dangers and why people end up addicted.
He spoke about how to seek help and strategies to use to avoid drugs/alcohol and to come off them and stay clean.
The students present were very impressed and really benefited from his informal and down to earth approach. A few students spent time eating lunch with him, chatting informally and even asked if he could come back again in the future - it was a very successful day.