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Clinical Services

Gretton offers a holistic package that helps the children grow and develop. This service is both universal and integrated. We support learners with Art Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and mentor dogs.


















​​​​​​​​​Warm, professional support and care


Therapeutic input, delivered by a team of specialists, is available either on a one to one basis, or is integrated into the curriculum and classroom life through liaison between therapists and teaching staff, in line with individual needs.


Therapists also contribute to social and IEP target setting for learners through individual programmes, liaison with staff, direct intervention and social skills groups.


Therapists work closely with education and care staff, as well as the learners and their families, and all relevant professionals are involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of individualised plans for the learners in our care – meaning we can put into place exactly the right strategies and support to benefit the student as their needs change.


"Once Z is in school he doesn’t have any anxiety as he has his quiet room to go to, the staff don’t make him feel anxious and he trusts them."

- Parent



The Therapy Teams at Gretton School


Gretton School employs a team of practitioners who support the learning, teaching and curriculum delivery within Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form.  


These practitioners support teachers, class staff and colleagues across the school to underpin their practice with principles of Speech, Language and Communication, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology and Art Therapy.


It is our intention to use this valuable resource within school as widely as possible, with this multi-disciplinary team working with staff to enhance their practices where there are identified SALT, OT or educational needs.


Who Are We?


We are a team of specialist therapists and an educational psychologist (EP) who are experienced in working with children and young people with autism. We are all HCPC registered and members of our own professional bodies.


We work across the school with students and staff providing assessment, therapy and training. Erika Payne (Educational Psychologist) works across the Newcome group, supporting our team below. 




Meet The Team:​​​








Rebecca Kruller-Adams

Art Therapist


Wendy Bailey

Occupational Therapist


Gifty Addo Stewart

Occupational Therapist

Where are we?


We work in all areas of the school,  within classrooms or dedicated rooms in school. 


Who receives which type of intervention?


All students at Gretton School will have access to advice from within the range of therapist and educational services at a universal (school wide) level. This will not require a specific referral.


Any specific therapy and/or educational psychology referrals will be considered and discussed at a weekly multidisciplinary meeting to establish which service (or combination) can best assess and address the needs that have been raised by the referrer. The referrals are made by a staff member at the school. Parents and carers will be informed if a referral has been made and consent established before any intervention can take place.


Note: not every student will need 1:1 or targeted interventions from the therapy team. Many students’ needs will be addressed at the “universal” school wide level available for every student in the specialist school provision of Gretton School.




Gretton School takes the voice of its students very seriously. When consent is sought for students below the age of 18, parents will have full responsibility for providing this consent. For students over the age of 18, who have the capacity to do so, consent will be sought, in the first instance from them, and only with their permission will parents be kept informed.  Where there are any concerns about capacity, we will seek to discuss with the learner the necessity for parental support.


If you have any questions about the therapies available at Gretton School please contact the team on or 01223 277438.




Behaviour Management:


Staff are always ready to help learners be calm, and to concentrate on learning.


Learners are given clear boundaries and expectations and these are reinforced using praise and consistency.


Students have their own Individual Behaviour Plans, which are designed and reviewed by our multi-disciplinary team, working alongside parents. These help each student to learn about their behaviour and find the most positive and appropriate ways to communicate.




Gretton School is part of Newcome Education.

Gretton School (Cavendish Learning Ltd) is registered in England & Wales. No: 06444280. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2025 Newcome Education

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